Disfruta de un apartamento limpio y fresco a un precio más bajo que el de la mayoría de las empresas de limpieza. Usa Lion Clean para conectar con limpiadores de apartamentos de 5 estrellas en tu zona. Todos nuestros limpiadores están calificados y evaluados para ayudarte a elegir el servicio ideal para tu apartamento. Reservar un servicio de limpieza de apartamentos cerca de ti es rápido y fácil en nuestra web.
An apartment cleaning service can focus solely on core rooms in your home, like your kitchen and bathroom, or can include all the rooms in your home, from bedrooms to your entryway. Most people opt to have these rooms and chores included in an apartment cleaning service.
Say goodbye to grime, grease, unhygienic surfaces, and bad odors.
Your bathroom cleaned till it sparkles and smells wonderful.
Freshen up your living room. No more dust, dander, and stale odors.
Sleep better with dust-free bedrooms that smell fresh and hygienic.
Keep your in-between spaces looking great and free of dust and dirt.
Add these services at no extra charge. Simply book enough time.